From whom do children inherit mental abilities?

Scientists discovered which parent children get their intelligence from. Intelligence, like other abilities of the child, is determined by hereditary and non-hereditary factors. According to scientists, only 40-60% of intelligence consists of genes, the rest depends on the influence of the environment. Scientists have long been interested in the question of who is responsible for these percentages – father or mother?

Scientists have found that intelligence is passed from mother to child.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow reported that it is the mother’s genes that influence the child’s mental abilities and creativity. To test this, the researchers conducted an experiment on laboratory mice and added an additional dose of maternal genes. As a result, the test mice’s head and brain size increased, but their bodies remained small. Mice given an extra dose of male genes had smaller heads and larger bodies.

To test whether this hypothesis works in humans, researchers studied more than 12,000 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 22. They all belonged to different socio-economic groups, they all had different education, race and nationalities, but the results were similar; The best predictor of intelligence was the mother’s IQ.

The research revealed that the father’s genes are mostly responsible for sexual behavior, degree of aggression and eating behavior. Cognitive functions, thinking, analytical abilities, prediction, etc. inside. My mother’s genes are responding.

Scientists have also proven that the strong bond between mother and child affects the development of certain areas of the brain.



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